Our goal is for our students to be competitive as college students and college graduates; to do that, our rigor and expectations in middle school and high school must be high.
By reaching to meet these expectations, students demonstrate that they share this core value of graduating from college and that they are committed to creating bright futures for themselves, their families, and their communities.
Middle School Math, Science, Social Studies, English Language Arts, Reading Intervention, Math Lab, Technology, Middle School Physical Education, Middle School Art, English I & II, Introduction to Rhetoric & Composition, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Engineering Design, Environmental Science, Psychology, World History, US History, Government & Economics, World Geography, Algebra I, Algebra II, Pre-Calculus, Geometry, Calculus, Advanced Quantitative Reasoning, HS Physical Education, Art I, Art II, Digital Media, Yearbook, Spanish I, II, & III, French I, II, & III, Reaction to Film, Dance
AP English Literature, AP English Language, AP Physics, AP Environmental Science, AP World History, AP US History, AP Calculus, AP Spanish Language, AP Spanish Literature, AP Psychology
All High School students take a Seminar class for each year of high school.
Individual teachers hold tutorials for students either after school or during lunch. Check with your student's teachers to see when the tutorials are held.
Saturday School is held starting in September. Students required to attend will be contacted by the school.
Credit Recovery
If a student did not earn credit(s) for a math, science, English and/or social studies course(s) during the fall semester, it is strongly recommended that they enroll in YES Prep Credit Recovery held during the spring semester.
If at the end of the year a student is till missing credits, they must take the class in the summer immediately following the school year to ensure they stay on track for graduation. If the student does not take the course over the following summer, the student risks having to repeat the grade level.
If the course(s) needed are offered at YES Prep Credit Recovery, the student should enroll at YES Prep. If the course(s) are not offered at YES Prep Credit Recovery, it is recommended that they enroll in Houston Community College Adult High School Program. Students must receive approval from their Principal to enroll in a course at any other location besides YES Prep Credit Recovery or HCC.
YES Prep Credit Recovery is reserved for students that have already attempted and not earned credit in the course. It is not designed for earning original credits.