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  • Friday, December 15th - JVBB vs. Harmony @5pm
  • Friday, December 15th - VGB vs. Southwest @6:15pm
  • Monday, December 11th -Wednesday, December 20th - 8 Days of Holi-Brays Spirit Week 
  • Thursday, December 21st - Staff Development (No School) 
  • Friday, December 22nd through January 9th - Winter Break (No School)

           Message from Principal Hall-Swope

Hello Cavalier Families-

Next week is our final week of semester 1. We have a lot of student celebrations happening and will continue to provide high quality instruction through the last day. We need all of our students at school on time and ready to work. We are excited to celebrate academic growth and success with all our students, and it is important to maintain high expectations for our Cavaliers as we finish semester 1.

Thanks for trusting your child’s education with us.

- Principal Hall-Swope -


Brays Oaks Cavaliers Spriit Week Calendar


Athletic Updates 2023-2024

You’ll be able to find our basketball games below! Please make sure to come out and support Brays Oaks athletics. Students LOVE to see their teachers cheering them on and it goes a long way in building relationships with our student-athletes.







Are you happy with your YES Prep Campus? Tell us about your experience! We invite you to check your email or phone for the Possip Survey. The survey will be available starting Thursday, December 7th. It will take less than a minute. In this survey, you will be asked about how to best support your student’s academic journey. If you did not receive the survey, please see link below Possip (weeklypossip.com)

 ¿Estás contento(a) con tu escuela de YES Prep?¡Cuéntanos tu experiencia! Lo invitamos a revisar su correo electrónico o teléfono para la encuesta de Possip. La encuesta estará disponible el jueves 7 de diciembre. Tardará menos de un minuto. En esta encuesta, se le preguntará sobre cómo apoyar mejor el aprendizaje académico de su estudiante. Si no recibió la encuesta, comuníquese con su equipo de recepción para recibir el enlace. 

Possip (weeklypossip.com)



Bus Routes For the 23-24 School Year





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The News Update is YES Prep Public Schools systemwide monthly e-newsletter where we share the latest news, teacher and student stories, as well as upcoming events and important dates. 

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